A Terrific Video Editor The rise of social media has led to the influx of photos and videos in our lives to a great extent. The fact that smartphones have made taking pictures and recording videos easier has also played its role. There is definitely a pressure these days to upload photos and create video content if you want to have a presence on social media. Simply...Continue to app
A Fascinating Multiplayer Game The premise of multiplayer games revolves around having multiple users from different countries converging to play the same game at the same time. The best thing about multiplayer games is that they bring about varied gaming styles of people from all around the world and therefore, create unpredictability in the games that is simply too hard to...Continue to app
A Fast-Paced and Extremely Addictive Piano Game Music always serves as a great companion if you are alone and have some time to yourself. It keeps you occupied and entertained and still lets you get lost in your train of thoughts. Games, similarly, are a great way to pass your time when you are all alone. A great combo is created when games use music in their gameplay effectively. You can keep...Continue to app
A Cool Drifting Game with a Fantastic Collection of Cars Drifting is definitely an adventure filled activity as you push your car to the limit. The activity comes with its own set of risks but the adrenaline rush with drifting is so high that many enthusiasts just can't keep themselves from performing drifts every now and again. Driving cars at high speeds is generally one of the most thrilling...Continue to app
The Perfect Screen Mirroring App The use of mobile phones has increased multifold in our lives. People have literally become inseparable from their phones. This is down to the wholesome nature of smartphones these days as they offer so many functionalities. You can make calls, send messages, browse social media, take pictures, listen to music and play games – all on your phone. No...Continue to app
A Creative and Resources Sticker Maker App Meme culture has attained a huge fan base since the rise of social media apps in the past decade. While memes were always extremely popular amongst a certain section of the social media users, they have become mainstream in the past few years. Everybody now understands the humor associated with memes and they are also used far more frequently after...Continue to app
An Entertaining Drum App with Multiple Sounds Music brings entertainment into our lives and ensures that there is something available that can get us lost in our thoughts. Music is great as it can be enjoyed both when you are alone and when you are in a crowd. Creating music is an innovative process that requires both skill and ability. There are multiple apps available that can help you...Continue to app
An Action-Filled RPG Game MMORPGs are the most expansive type of game available for Android users. A good MMORPG will have a good storyline, multiple missions, good battlegrounds, nice graphics, multiple customizable characters and strategy-driven gameplay. These types of games take a lot of space on phones and always require an internet connection to play. Google PlayStore...Continue to app
A Helicopter Simulator with Challenging Rescue Missions Flying a helicopter seems an enthralling activity which focuses mostly on the skill of the flying pilots. The helicopters are less complex than airplanes but have a lower margin for error for the flying pilots as well. While most people who would like to commandeer a helicopter won't ever get the opportunity to do in real life, there is always some...Continue to app
Version: | Reviewed on Jan 22, 2021
A Useful Movie Streaming App Roku has been one of the successes of the digital media age with the media players developed by the company being a hit in the market. With movie streaming becoming extremely popular and with subscription-based platforms like Netflix, Amazon and Disney+ revolutionizing the digital media industry, Roku has emerged as a one-stop solution to...Continue to app