Not so Much Correctly eyeballing lengths and distances is unquestionably a handy skill. Could you improve it by playing a game? Some say video games can improve reaction time and tactical thinking in real life. At least that's what the US army thinks anyway. In Draw In you must approximate the length of an object's outline. If this sounds complicated, then pay...Continue to app
Mote it Be It's always a pleasant surprise to discover a paid game that also comes with a legitimate demo on the Play Store. It denotes a certain seriousness regarding the subject matter. It also guarantees that the gameplay itself is not dependent on a little "plus" icon that sits next to a picture of gems, cash, or whatever foreign currency you...Continue to app
Cute Emoticons for Texting for Every Occasion If you love using emojis and smileys in your chats and want to include them in your texts too then this emoji app is ideally suited to your taste. Emojidom Emoticons for Texting, Emoji for Facebook is a cool app which allows you to use a wide range of emoticons in your texts and messages. It has a huge collection of emoticons, emojis and smileys...Continue to app
Color Flashlight – Turn Your Phone’s Screen into a Torch Do you want a flashlight that you can carry everywhere with you? If yes, then this app is the perfect fit for you. ColorLights is a helpful app which allows you to use the flash of your device's camera and its screen as your personal flashlight for seeing in the dark. It provides ample light to you even in the darkest rooms and allows you to...Continue to app
Survey App – Your Ticket for Earning Free Google Play Credits Do you want to earn free Google Play credits? If yes, then this survey app can prove to be a great reward earner for you. Google Opinion Rewards is a nice app which lets you earn Google Play credits by simply answering the questions asked as part of a survey. It requires you to complete surveys conducted by Google to gauge the interest of the...Continue to app
Stall or Dive Here's a game for tired folk. Masked as a jumping ball challenge, Helix Jump is more of a past time than a hard arcade game. Nevertheless, that is still good. Your goal is to make the ball reach the bottom of the cylinder tower. The ledges around it do nothing more than delay your descent. However, if you manage to fall past several of them in...Continue to app
Drift-based Endless Run Endless run games are a thing. Since Flappy Bird was such a huge hit, there's been a constant demand for games that go on forever and which rarely rely on more than a tap for control. Of course, what differentiates them is graphics quality, theme, and most importantly ease of play. Developers of Sling Drift managed to pull a very smooth control...Continue to app
Ōchizushi would have sounded better I'm sure nobody ever got tired of playing Traffic Jam, right? Well, who am I kidding? Some levels can have such convoluted solutions that frustration will set in much faster than boredom ever could. I'm not saying Push Sushi is any better, but I think it deserves a look. As I implied above, Push Sushi is a Traffic Jam clone. For those who have no...Continue to app
Adopt the Cutest Virtual Pet Ever If you want your kids to learn how to take care of their pets then this virtual pet game is a good start. Moy – Virtual Pet Game is a cool game in which you to get to adopt a cute little pet named Moy to keep you company. It has a kid-friendly gameplay which is backed up by beautiful graphics which keep the children hooked from the start. The...Continue to app
Farming Simulator – Your Ticket to Becoming the Modern Farmer Do you have aspirations of becoming a farmer? Are you interested in finding more about modern farming methods? If yes, then you should give this farming simulator a try. Farmer Sim 2015 is a nice game which allows you to become a farmer and cultivate different crops on your farmland using modern farming equipment. It lets you perform all the...Continue to app