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The evaluations from our editors

Review Screenshot - They're listening...
Editor's rating:
Version: 6.40 | Reviewed on Nov 08, 2016
They're listening...
There are times when your just an air head and forget important information right after a phone call. Well, I'm talking about myself anyway. Or wait. Maybe you want to blackmail somebody and need audio recordings of them blackmailing you. Who knows, I'm just trying to sell you an app. Auto Call Recorder is an app that should have actually been... Download

Review Screenshot - Others do it better
Editor's rating:
Version: 1.0.6 | Reviewed on Nov 08, 2016
Others do it better
The price for laziness is a poor face detection algorithm. Among many other face swap apps out there, the developers of this particular one decided that people are too dumb to, crop, resize, rotate or skew an image. So they put together an app that does everything for you! How great you might think. Except it doesn't work. The app cannot... Download

Review Screenshot - Beautify
Editor's rating:
Version: 2.05 | Reviewed on Nov 07, 2016
Who wouldn't want to see a preview before committing to a make-up session? I suppose ladies like to be surprised, but once every so often an informed choice is better than a blind one, wouldn't you agree? Besides, if you're addicted to posting selfies on Facebook but like the stay-at-home lifestyle , then you might want to consider never... Download

Review Screenshot - Moebius plane
Editor's rating:
Version: 3.7 | Reviewed on Nov 07, 2016
Moebius plane
Going around in circles is not usually required to solve tasks but in the case of Test Chamber, it might be mandatory. In Test Chamber you are an unknowing little man with a square-ish head, perfect for pushing square blocks in an orthogonal fashion. Your aim is to reach the exit point in order to continue to the next level in a seemingly... Continue to app

Review Screenshot - Easy chargin'
Editor's rating:
Version: 1.47 | Reviewed on Nov 04, 2016
Easy chargin'
Screens are getting larger and brighter. The applications that run on them rival even the ones on the computer sometimes. How can a battery sustain such a demand for power? There's no denying that battery technology has advanced in the last decade but seeing that people sit for hours on end with their noses into those screens begs the following... Continue to app

Review Screenshot - One more thing you have to worry about
Editor's rating:
Version: 2.0 | Reviewed on Nov 04, 2016
One more thing you have to worry about
Self motivation is a quality that can get one far, no matter in what field. Fitness and well being is definitely one which requires quite a lot of self empowerment. If not for doing the required routines then abstaining from those high calorie foods we seem to love so much. Keeping tabs on what you eat is probably a good way to make sure you... Download

Review Screenshot - Jump the sheep
Editor's rating:
Version: 1.2 | Reviewed on Nov 04, 2016
Jump the sheep
Mixing cuteness with high difficulty and dark humor seems to make a good recipe. Here we have a case of addition and subtraction, coated in a puzzle game that is a bit too disturbing for first graders. The land is in crisis. The islands are sinking and the sheep need to get to the lifeboats. Well, there's no hurry actually, as islands remain... Continue to app

Review Screenshot - How to wield a remote desktop app
Editor's rating:
Version: 3.6 | Reviewed on Nov 03, 2016
How to wield a remote desktop app
Remote computer access software and credulous people is like knives and little children. I'm sorry for the unsettling visual imagery, but there is a point to be made. Easy to install remote control apps do not scam people! People scam people! It has been a growing concern about a wave of internet scammers that lure people into running Ammyy... Download

Review Screenshot - We have incoming!
Editor's rating:
Version: 1.3 | Reviewed on Nov 03, 2016
We have incoming!
I know that most people don't hold the Star Wars Prequel Trilogy in very high esteem (although after seeing Episode VII, that might have changed). But do you remember that asteroid chase scene in Episode II? Well, I did when I tried playing Missiles! In Missiles! you steer a biplane in order to collect floating star tokens that lie around... Continue to app

Review Screenshot - Is there a purpose to creation?
Editor's rating:
Version: | Reviewed on Nov 03, 2016
Is there a purpose to creation?
Building towns and cities are some of the best themes for a sandbox game. Put yourself in the shoes of a perpetually elected mayor. Granted you are a moral person, the only incentive would be the well being of the populace while having an eye on expansion. No missions and no goals except what you can imagine. This is the premise of TheoTown.... Continue to app