MS Office too expensive? Imagine you have just set up your first Windows PC. Do you need the MS Office suite? Nah, you can do without it. Besides you're not going to start paying a subscription just to be able to write documents. Since when has that become subscription based anyway? Also $400 for an Office package seems to be jumping the shark a bit. Days pass, you enjoy...Continue to app
Your picture collection on steroids Having lots of pictures on your hard drive can get problematic at some point. With the advent of digital photography, people no longer have the care they once had when cameras were holding 24 shot film rolls. Imagine, there was a time when you actually had to take care how many pictures you would take and then make a trip to a photo shop (no, not...Continue to app
Cards Against Authority Space, the final frontier. Well I frankly think that mind or soul might be further along the discovery track. But returning to our subject, here we have a neat card game that has caught the world by storm. My world at least. What do you think about building a space empire, establishing trading routes, developing an economy, exploring space,...Continue to app
Groundhog day for poultry and other critters Ever since the old days of the nineteen-eighties, humans have been fascinated by the endeavors of a small creature crossing an environment that is most likely going to kill it. Frogger in 1981 sparked our interest in this morbid subject. But where the frog in Frogger finally managed to get to safety after crossing a highway and a river, the critter...Continue to app
Fire and brimstone at your fingertips People sometimes have fantasies about being godlike. Raising land, growing forests, causing storms, volcanic eruptions and other cataclysmic deeds may be the stuff of fantasy, but in the computer realm it usually comes to fruition without real obstacles. This fantasy became true in the old Populous series. Since then though, the original feeling...Continue to app
Games can be art Games can be art Art can take many forms. Today, when the realm of paintings has been taken over by ridiculously overrated doodles and paint splashes, real art has apparently fled into other fields. There is this standing question of whether video games can be considered forms of art. Although most games can be easily be dismissed from the get go...Continue to app
World Preview The internet is the window to the world. You can explore any subject and retrieve whatever articles, pictures or videos interest you. Still, when you just want to explore the world at your leisure and discover new and interesting stuff, the search engine is a bit bland. You seldom get the freedom to just look around because you mostly get exactly...Continue to app
Partitioning for dummies Getting a new PC is always a joyous event. Most of the time you get system ready to be put to work (or game), but sometimes you need to do the hard work of installing components, formatting the drive and setting up the operating system. When it's time to do that you need a certain technical prowess, but most of the time computers already come...Continue to app
Archiving can be fancy Since there are valid options to create and unpack archives for free, good old WinZip had to do something in order to keep a praemium on its software product. Lo and behold, the new WinZip has a new interface, worthy of admittance in the the MS Office package. Not only that, but now it strives to become more than a window that you never use....Continue to app
Restoration File back-ups is not something that a young budding computer owner would consider doing. Yet, on the odd day when your hard drive gets infected with something that encrypts all your picture files and then asks for money to get them back, you might regret not having prepared yourself. Of course, you don't need to invest a lot in this type of...Continue to app