Professional downloading I am one who rarely checks the downloads folder. Consequentially, when I do check it, I have to sort out from a huge list of images, installers, fonts, archives and folders. Not pleasant. Of course, I could start deleting downloads as soon as they're no longer needed or sort them into folders. But that requires forming a habit and that means...Download
Nobody's looking We have all stumbled across seemingly impossible odds while playing a game. That is usually a very big problem if you're playing a board game. Unless it happens to be Munchkin or Cosmic Encounter then you will have no choice but to put your honor on the line if you intend to... influence aspects that benefit you. In the video game world...Download
Nostalgia Strikes! There are few games that managed to stand the test of time. Being played to this day while having been made in the last century is no small feat but the mark of a true game that transcends technology limitations. A true game is based on pure game mechanics and is not dependent on graphical bling bling.
Remember Murphy
Supaplex was launched in...Download
That's a lot of fish! When was the last time you played a game about penguin feeding frenzy? Never? Well that's a sign that we're dealing with something original, which is highly expected since it comes from the board game world. I'm implying that the tabletop gaming world is a bastion of original game concepts. If that's the case then that must mean that this game...Continue to app
Unfinished business Continuing the trend of useless applications that are linked to Facebook, today we are going to take a look at the mess that is Facebook Chat @Desktop. As the name suggests, this application's developers did not spend sufficient time to find a decent name. I have to admit though that finding an original name that refers back to Facebook is...Download
Humans are fodder Whenever a game has the tycoon word in its title it usually means it is a complex economic simulation of sorts. Well, that's not always the case apparently. I imagine that if it were about vampires, you would get a game about a board of vampires managing some big economic or entertainment complex. Every once in a while they need to snatch a...Continue to app
Accessible professionalism Purchasing a media package has become quite a rare event in the past years. As professional tools have become subscription based, it appears that the industry is adopting the MMO games model. Luckily for people who do not want a subscription in order to use a video editing program (and neither want to sell their soul for it) Sony has released...Download
Forge this! There are times when we would love to get into an audio file just as we can go into an image file. A dent in the flow, a chorus that does not repeat enough times, an inflexion that you just don't like, or maybe you have a sample that you want to insert into an audio piece. Who knows. Anyway do you have the means?
Audacity is a program that...Download
Scrambled mice The mouse has been a staple computer peripheral for about thirty years. Its basic functions have been established no matter what new ergonomic designs have appeared over the years. In turn, almost everybody knows how to handle a mouse and considers it easy and intuitive. Still, in case you don't agree with the majority, there is another option...Download
Pauper rates Even with the development of high speed connections, people generally still appreciate an app that goes out of its way to streamline data transfer in the service of higher speeds and lower megabyte count. Opera Browser Mini was for some time the only mobile browser to cater to the frugal user in such a way. Not any more though, UC Browser Mini...Continue to app